GDM Salta

Education as a tool for inclusion

Grano de Mostaza provides educational schollarships since 2006 to students in high school and college levels that come from rural schools in the mountains of Salta. They move to the city of Rosario de Lerma, where they are housed by other families and go to school with local students from the same city.  


Grano de Mostaza currently owns a house in Rosario de Lerma which is used by the students for multiple reasons. It´s the perfect place to study, read books (there´s a library open for the community of Rosario de lerma), attend workshops and use computers. 

Group we try to favour

Children that come from the mountains in Salta who´s education in rural schools end after elementary school. 

Most children live in humble houses scattered through the hills.

Their families often live out of their own production such as  (ie, raising goats and growing basic vegetables) and still practice trading between them. In the mountains most families live without electricity, running water, or gas. Most of them travel for long distances on horses, or for very long hour walks.

How this impacts their quality life as a group

Once these children are able to remain and not drop out of school, our schollarships give them the opportunity to access different  tools to continue to grow and develop, both academically and personally, and prepare them to face different challenges that life puts them through.